The Expert in Sustainability & Resiliency Solutions

Sustainability Solutions

Organizational design, development, and programmatic re-engineering for true-sustainability is not only an important topic, but actualizing sustainability is a foundational area-of-expertise at Mercer & Company.

How organizations evolve from a development & re-engineering perspective, such that they are able to successfully implement initiatives that are capable of sustainability at scale, is long past the point of becoming critical.

So, we decided to build an entire division devoted to delivering cutting-edge, and forward-thinking sustainability solutions. Capable of development at scale…


Over a decade ago we began to see how important ‘sustainability’ was becoming, and we knew that an innovative, forward-thinking, and data- & evidence-driven approach was desperately needed; so we developed one.

Mercer & Company

We build management strategy solutions for large-scale transformation/development geared towards true-sustainability. Using the science of organizational development, enterprise architecture, process re-engineering & development, and human behavioral change economics.

With an intention to transform the capabilities & capacities of entire organizations to be more effective & efficacious, driving interventions from the bottom-up, and top-down.. All of which have to be built on top of a foundation of elite-level research, as well as the ‘entire range of analytics’; from data collection, data analysis, prescriptive modeling, and all the way through to being able to effectively make inferences, and communicate the findings of what was learned from end-to-end assessment.


Connecting the current-state, with initiatives & interventions design to ‘bridge the gap’ to the ideal-end-state using the net impact of sustainability as a framework to inform initiative/intervention design.

An organization’s “sustainability net impact” is accurately grounded, assessed, and conceptualized using a Quadratic Bottom Line approach. This triple bottom line grounds all of the assessment, intervention identification process, program planning, and organizational development & re-engineering processes using three fundamental pillars of sustainability. Doing so ensures that everything that we do with regard to true-organizational-sustainability, can be traced back to the fundamental pillars of sustainability.

Why it is important?

The sustainability concept is a broad construct, and it tends to mean something different to each person you’ll ask.

with responses ranging from biology to business, and overlapping somewhere with organizational social responsibility and a focus on advancing the standard of living while also preserving natural and human resources. The fact that it means something different to everyone is an incredibly important notion, because ‘sustainability’ is perceived differently, it is one of the fundamental barriers to initiatives not being successfully implemented.


How can the broad perception of ‘sustainability’ be leveraged in change, development, & transformation efforts?

The short-answer would be: through the use of metrics, review & assessment, measurement, and strategic planning to conceptualize the current-state of the organization, and using those insights to inform decision-making pertaining to sustainability initiatives that are linked with the ideal-end-state of an organization.

We create, develop, and execute radical & forward-thinking solutions, designed to solve some of the world's most difficult problems.

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