Unparalleled Expertise to Deliver Cutting Edge Solutions

“We are a company that is brazen, open, and honest in our desire to solve the most complex organizational problems that the world can offer. We want the most challenging projects imaginable; the most challenging problems to solve. The one's that nobody else in the world wants.”

Mercer & Company’s diverse portfolio of capabilities & solutions are all built on a foundation of expertise in the areas Research & Analytics, Business Strategy, Transformation, Efficiency, Human Behavior, Organizational Effectiveness, and Leadership..

Areas of Expertise

Broken down by the percentage of customer engagements or projects, that involve a significant amount of work in the below areas.

Organizational Performance & Effectiveness 92%
Change and Transformation Management 84%
Organizational Research & Analytics 88%
Organizational Development 93%
Strategic Planning 79%
Sustainability 83%

World-Class solutions are not 'one-size fits all', nor are they 'what worked for someone else'. They need to be solutions that encompass the variety of contexts present in every single organization in the world. Done so in order to deliver sustainable transformation, and to exceed expectations.

It is as much about connecting the dots for every client as it is a profound expertise & proven results in particular areas. If you have expertise, and deliver results, alongside a desire to produce the best possible outcomes for your customers. Then you can help steer organizations toward a future they didn’t know was possible.

We want clients to rely and trust us every step of the way because we are driven by this innate desire to change the world in the best possible way for everyone. Combine that with our expertise in what it takes to transform organizations effectively, we can do things together that people never thought possible.

Mercer & Company has an arsenal of proprietary tools, solutions, tactics, and capabilities that companies desiring to succeed into the future need in order to thrive in the evolving world:

Efficacy Transformation

Efficacy Transformations are a business strategy focused on sustainable transformation. In which we systematically and objectively evaluate organizations and their processes; we identify gaps, inefficiencies, and areas in need of improvement. Then we fundamentally realign people, processes, & motivations with the strategic vision of the organization.

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Research & Analytics

We take research & analytics quite seriously and we leverage mixed-methodological data as a strategic asset to make better decisions, to conceptualize business outcomes, and to build more effective & efficient organizations. The use of mixed methods provides organizations exponentially more information to utilize, to analyze, and to leverage when making business decisions.

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Dynamic Strategy: Outcomes Driven Solutions

We take research & analytics quite seriously and we leverage mixed-methodological data as a strategic asset to make better decisions, to conceptualize business outcomes, and to build more effective & efficient organizations. The use of mixed methods provides organizations exponentially more information to utilize, to analyze, and to leverage when making business decisions.

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Human Capital Analytics

Human Capital Analytics provides the objective insights needed to address their most valuable asset. The information provides insight into the value your human capital possesses, the sourcing of talent internally, workforce planning, onboarding, learning & development, performance, diffusion of responsibility, and how to retain and motivate your workforce.

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Organizational DNA

Organizational DNA maps the Health of your organization and provides insight into the performance, effectiveness, efficiency, motivation, and engagement of your team. In order to truly be effective you must objectively know & be able to understand the health of your organization. Recommendations are based on benchmarks and the key metrics that are proven to maximize achievement.

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Organizational Motivation

Motivation is the most important indicator that predicts an organization’s success and it’s ability to achieve higher output. An individual’s drive & engagement (Organizational Motivation) is responsible for higher productivity. Motivated & engaged employees generate higher value and lead to more substantial levels of achievement. The management of motivation is the most critical element of success in any organization. Organizational Motivation, evaluates all aspects related to Motivation within an organization, and identifies variables that are impeding motivation and can be altered in order to achieve higher levels of output.

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Digital Strategy & IT Implementations

Success in the 21st century with workforces that are saturating the market require proper analysis, strategy, and planning. You must objectively assess how technology can & will impact your people, your organization’s effectiveness, your customers, and business processes the first step in developing a strategic road map. You must understand and identify how digital business models differ from the traditional constructs of business and how their effective use can transform your business. 

Understanding the role of technology and how it shapes the world of business today & tomorrow will reveal the priorities, investments, needs, wants, and desires of the workforce and unavoidable organizational evolution you must endure. The right technological ecosystem within organizations is complex, however, with the options that are available an internal ecosystem can take your organization’s efficiency to an entirely different level. Choosing the right ecosystem and relevant strategies is essential for maximizing the effectiveness at which your organization operates.

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Organizational Performance: Cross-Functional Efficiency

We are living in an era in which companies are operating in a highly ineffective way that diminishes the performance of an organization across the board. Combine that with a workforce that has an immense craving for efficiency, and the performance of your organization is of utmost importance. 

We are experts in determining & identifying what areas of an organization are impeding your performance, and we reconfigure organizations to develop the capability to identify and eliminate inefficiencies to protecting the strength of the organization, and it’s overarching performance. We develop and help deploy a proven performance improvement approach by leveraging knowledge, management, and human behavior to deliver proven performance improvement programs. All programs are developed in alignment with the specific needs of each organization and the capability development that is ideal. 

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Team Optimization: Focusing On Outcomes

Team Optimization analyzes and generates data on how well teams within an organization are functioning relative to goals, outcomes, and the vision of an organization. We quantify, develop metrics & markers, and identify variables that are inhibiting optimal effectiveness. We then deploy solutions regarding team effectiveness in the areas of alignment, leadership, execution, achievement, replicability, and motivation.

By optimizing teams & divisions within organizations we amplify leaders’ capabilities to achieve outcomes, an organization’s to execute it’s strategy, and division’s & teams opportunity to bring exemplary value to an organization.

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Workforce Value Tool (WVT)

Unfortunately, for virtually every company in North America, the decisions about your workforce are based on subjective measures, anecdotes, and opinions. Even when a company uses quantitative metrics they focus on subjective measures rather than on a broad picture of how individuals fit in, and contribute to, and bring value to the organization as a whole.

The Workforce Value Tool (WVT) is an objective tool that evaluates the talent management processes, the engagement of your workforce, and determines the actualized value of your workforce in regards to your output and revenue. Your workforce is the most valuable intangible of any company in the world and the WVT quantifies what the actual value of your people is.

The WVT also identifies what issues within the organization are impacting, positively or negatively, the value of your workforce. The WVT is a method of looking past the subjectivity and objectively identifying the variables that impact a workforce’s value and determining it’s actualized value. The value of your workforce should directly relate to growth and increases in revenue.

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Re-Shaping HR: Maximal Workforce Value

The primary function of nearly every single Human Resources department is to protect the company rather than protecting the employees. However, in an age of epic disruption and a technological revolution, HR needs a drastic shift in mindset. By shifting the mindest of HR towards driving individual capabilities towards outcomes, rather than driving individuals into specific ‘roles & responsibilities‘ that are outdated, you can create a workforce that brings growth related value to the organization. 

You then turn your workforce into human capital rather than payroll. HR can’t just be a compliance division protecting the company, it must empower employees to bring value to the company. Not everything human can be optimized through data – and looking at the data is no replacement for having insight and listening to people.

By shifting the mindset of HR entirely your HR departments both protect and bring growth related value to an organization.

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Results Driven Employment

By shifting the way that organizations view employing their people towards a results or outcomes driven employment model you are making a change that has nothing but definitive upside within organizations. The upsides will transform your organization, they will save you vast amounts of money, they will make a happier workforce and you will streamline the process of getting work done. The old paradigm of coming in to work at a set time and leaving at a set time is so outdated that it is doing a disservice to your organization’s output & growth.

By shifting the focus of your employment model you increase productivity by giving employees the freedom to get work done in the manner that suits them best as long as they produce results; results which are the number one goal of any organization. When an organization employs a results-driven model, there is a drastic increase in productivity, retention, employee motivation & engagement, and loyalty to a company. Results-driven employment models are changing the landscape of work forever because the benefits are irrefutable across the board.

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Optimal Leadership Model (OLM)

The Optimal Leadership Model helps organizations develop the leadership capabilities required to achieve in the 21st century by changing the way you think about leadership because the leadership skills required in the 21st century are vastly different from that of just 5 years ago

Changing the way one thinks and maximizing their learning doesn’t happen in a one-time classroom type training event. It’s a blend of highly supportive learning tactics, immersive experiences, and planning over time to help your people not just understand what they need to do, but how and why.

We don’t want to change your management behavior, we want you to think differently about leading people and how to do it effectively. Once you think differently, then you can easily change your managerial behavior and you’ll watch your organization transform. We help you define how to build your team’s capabilities and effectiveness to transform your division’s ability to achieve outcomes.

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We emphasize multi-methodological approaches to solving problems in objective, analytical, and exploratory ways because that approach offers endless opportunities to find the right solution to the right problem.

That provides us the opportunity to more accurately predict the future. Not just give you data about what has happened in the past.

We create, develop, and execute radical & forward-thinking solutions, designed to solve some of the world's most difficult problems.

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