Behavior Change at the Human, and Organizational Levels

Mercer & Company

Focusing one's attention on the action of a person is a waste of everyone's time. If you focus on the mentality, emotions, and cognition behind the action of a person, you hold immense power. The power to differentiate between a one-time error and a long-term character flaw.

One of the main goals of the human, and organizational behavior team is to revitalize organizational theory, and develop a better conceptualization of organizational life. Such that we can transform organizations in such ways that they can become entirely more effective, efficient, and efficacious.


Organizational Research & Analytics

Mercer & Company

Mercer & Company's Organizational and Human Behavior efforts are devoted to understanding individuals and groups within an organizational context, and the underlying mentality, emotions, and cognition behind the actions of an organization. The field focuses on attributes, processes, behaviors, and outcomes within and between individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational levels of analysis.

Typically, we categorize the efforts in at least three ways: (1) individuals in organizations (micro-level); (2) work groups (meso-level); (3)how organizations behave (macro-level). It is essential to recognize that individuals behave differently when acting in their organizational role than when acting separately from the organization, however, if you understand both you begin to harness the power of human behavioral change.

Some of the major areas of focus that we pursue include:

  • Individual characteristics such as beliefs, values, personality, and demographic attributes, and individual processes such as learning, perception, motivation, emotions, and decision-making.
  • Interpersonal processes such as trust, justice, power/politics, social exchange, and networks
  • Group/team characteristics such as size, diversity, and cohesion, and group/team processes such as development, leadership, decision-making, and cooperation and conflict.
  • Organizational processes and practices such as leadership, goal setting, work design, feedback, rewards, communication, and socialization.
  • Contextual influences on individuals and groups, such as organizational and national culture, and organizational identity and climate.
  • The influence of all of the above on individual, interpersonal, group, and organizational outcomes such as performance, creativity, attachment, citizenship behaviors, stress, absenteeism, turnover, deviance, and ethical behavior.

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