Leader in Org Effectiveness, Development, and Transformation

Leading Organizational Effectiveness, Performance, Development, and Transformation Areas of Expertise

Mercer & Company

We work with all types of executives, no matter how change-oriented they are, to help them make better decisions, to convert those decisions to actions, and to execute deliverables that are capable of true-sustainability.

We are obsessed with cutting-edge thinking, challenging what people thought possible, and achieving success that maybe people thought wasn’t possible.


Our global consulting services focus on the most critical issues and opportunities. We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective. We capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization.

Mercer & Company

We are the only company in North America that is a definitive expert in Organizational Behavior, Organizational Effectiveness & Efficiency, and how organizations can & should optimally perform in the 21st century. Our results prove that.

Companies that are efficient across the board, effective at what they do, lead their people to be adaptable to and embrace change, and embrace a culture fueled by motivation will own the future. We put a high premium on these outcomes, independent of the size of a company or the industry, because these are the underlying indicators of business growth, success, & profitability.

We will challenge you to think differently, to disrupt the status quo, to outperform what you thought was possible, and to help you achieve an advantage at every possible opportunity…

Areas of Expertise

Broken down by the percentage of customer engagements or projects, that involve a significant amount of work in the below areas.

Organizational Performance & Effectiveness 92%
Change and Transformation Management 84%
Organizational Research & Analytics 88%
Organizational Development 93%
Strategic Planning 79%
Sustainability 83%